The Competency & Credentialing Institute Research Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations made to us may be tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Please consult with your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of your donation.

CCI Research Foundation Mailing Address:

400 Inverness Parkway Suite 265

Englewood, CO 80112

Tax identification number (EIN): 82-5159260

Donation Details:

  1. You received an email from PayPal with the date and amount of your donation. Please retain that email with the details of your donation.
  2. Please also make note of the transaction ID as it may be required for tax purposes.
  3. Your donation is not an exchange of goods or services, it is a monetary contribution to fund research grants in perioperative nursing.

Statement of Non-Profit Status:

  1. The Competency & Credentialing Institute Research Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
  2. The organization provided no goods or services in exchange for the donation.

Melissa R. Nosik, PhD, BCBA-D, ICE-CCP, SHRM-SCP

Chief Executive Officer