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5 Gaps in Perioperative Nursing and Surgical Research


While perioperative and surgical care has undergone remarkable advancements, research gaps persist across the field. Following our recent social media series exploring research gaps identified by our industry partner, AORN, we discuss five more of their themes to address in perioperative nursing and surgical research. This article shines a spotlight on these critical areas and underscores the need to bridge the knowledge gap for the future of perioperative care.

Unlocking the full potential of autologous tissues hinges on addressing critical research gaps related to their management. Currently, there is a lack of literature regarding the optimal storage, preservation, transportation, and transplantation of autologous tissue. In addition, specific autologous tissue oversight of cranial bone flaps and skin grafts presents promising avenues for further investigation.

While a broad research theme, environmental cleaning can refer to the effectiveness of different cleaning and disinfection methods for various environments and surfaces in the perioperative setting. This theme includes research on the efficacy of cleaning techniques and technologies as well as the development of standardized cleanliness protocols and guidelines.

Understanding medication safety is crucial to minimizing avoidable harm and ensuring patient well-being. Some categories of medication safety include exposure prevention to hazardous medications in the surgical setting, the investigation of medication errors, and ideal medication labeling practices.

Moving patients within the facility is an integral part of your role as a perioperative nurse. This seemingly ordinary task, however, harbors hidden research gaps concerning the safe handling and movement for both patients and staff. These gaps range from the usage of equipment and lifts to handle patients in the operating room to analyzing staff culture to emphasize the safety of perioperative teams.

Ensuring a safe and sterile environment is paramount in the perioperative setting. This includes surgical attire for both you and your patients. Research linking surgical site infections (SSIs) to specific surgical wear (i.e., antimicrobial scrubs) and understanding the effectiveness of hair coverings are a few research areas to delve into.

Actively engaging in research to fill these gaps will help develop our understanding of optimal patient outcomes, implement data-backed practices, and ultimately increase the standards and quality of patient care. If you are interested in learning more, please visit AORN’s Guideline Research Gaps document by accessing the source below.

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